November 27, 2008

Turkey Trot Race in Mesa, Arizona

Wayne ran a 10K race on Thursday morning right on Thanksgiving. The 39th traditional Turkey Trot was held in Mesa at the Red Mountain Park located at 7745 E Brown Road, Mesa, AZ on Thanksgiving morning, November 27th, 2008. The race started at 8:15 am with thousands of people at the start line. It was amazing to see so many people in good shape in one spot. What were they racing for? A turkey!
The winner of each age group received a turkey as an award.
Photo report follows below

On the picture below, the turkey muscat checking his time. He finished pretty fast, considering the weight of the costume he was wearing.
Wayne trying to take a lead:)
Inspiring determination and strength:

Probably the winner of the race. He was running at least 20 minutes ahead of the everyone else.There were quite a few of the four legged friends who also participated in the running and made it all the way to the finish line:

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