May 14, 2008

Food in Paris

We were really impressed with the quality and variety of food in Paris.

Lots of bakeries with a variety of desserts that are unmatched, always fresh and very tasty. That's one thing I truly miss - is the great food in lots of wonderful little restaurants that we had a chance to taste during our stay in Paris.
Of course, I wasn't able to take pictures of food everywhere we went and have just a few pictures to remember what the food was like.
One of the restaurants that we visited was La Rotonde
Once patronized by Hemingway, the original Rotonde faded into history but is immortalized in the pages of The Sun Also Rises, in which Papa wrote, "No matter what cafe in Montparnasse you ask a taxi driver to bring you to from the right bank of the river, they always take you to the Rotonde." Lavishly upgraded, its reincarnation has a paneled Art Deco elegance and shares the site with a cinema. We had a breakfast there on our last morning in Paris.
But we especially became very fond of numerous creperies in Paris. The one we frequented the most was Creposuk:
At first, I didn't like the environment as everyone around me was smoking like a chimney and there was no escape from the tobacco. I had to move our table way out of the way and avoid the smoking as much as possible.
Creposuk creperie is famous for its buckwheat flour crepes. They serve both salty and sweet crepes. The menu features a choice of over 60 crepes variety from Roquefort cheese walnuts and cream crepes for 8 Euros to Hot chocolate flambee with Grand Marnier crepes for 7.5 Euros.
Our favorite was Pear, Hot Chocolate and Vanilla ice cream crepe.

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